
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Community project development 1

Liased today with the Office and got hold of the contact list I need. I spent some time strategising and working out who has emails and who doesn't. Two potentials on the list. I will need to contact them to arrange for an alternative means of delivery.

I also spent some time thinking about how to approach group leaders as some objections may raise their heads. Possibly best to send a letter from Rob to the leaders explaining how he envisages the system working. Really there is no way of telling how well or otherwise the project works until it begins. At best we can plan and strategise and work through scenarios tring to think of every eventuality. I propose to use Sun City's planning programme for the launch of the lost city as the basis for the strategy. Walk through the process from the leaders perspective then from the group attendees perspective streamlining and ironing out any problems as we go.

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